This website is no longer updated or supported, site has been moved to

Here I allocate some my interesting projects, articles and just observations in hope that they will be useful for someone. If you are interested in collaboration, explanation or just in conversation - feel free to contact me.

When I created this page, I had solved - I will not copy-and-paste. There are zillions sites in internet that all what they do - it's just copy off. I think it's pointless. Everything that is presented here is my own work.

About me
I am pursuing a diploma in system programming at Donetsk National Technical University, Ukraine

I think that programming cannot be treated as just a subject or yet another stuff, it's the whole world. There are no rules, laws or borders, only we limit ourselves. So, we need put together all our will and  break this line. In order to overcome ourselves, to become better than we were before. Things don't become easier - we become stronger.

On the left-hand of this page you can check out  my (some of) works.

I don't support this site since 21.07.12. It's moved to



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