I like Rhythmbox music player. But after my update to Ubuntu 11.10 it lost some functionality. For example,  earlier there  works  nice plugin in python which gives   ability to delete current playing song if you don’t like it.  I used it before successful. But after update it doesn’t work.  So I have made a decision to correct situation. I wrote it my solution in C++.  It hasn’t any bindings  to Gnome, gtk++ or others.  It  doesn’t link itself to rhythmbox like plugin.  This program only uses rhythmbox’s database rhythmbox.xml and  nothing else.  I don’t think that it will be changed  at some  day. So, I am sure it will work always.

Personally I bent program to keys shift+f1, you can do this using standard  tool: menu -> system settings -> keyboard-shortcuts. And so you only need to press key what you chose and song will be deleted!

But it’s not fully done  due  it’s only first version.  It works correctly with Latin names, but it has troubles with non-Latin(like Cyrillic).  I am going to fix it after exams when I will have more time.  But don’t worry, if you have non-Latin names -  nothing awful won’t happen. You song just will be left untouched and nothing anymore.

Source and executable can be found here: delete_current_playing_song.tar.gz

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